”The Study of Big Bands”. There have been lots content written about big bands from the fabled Big Band Era. However, the big band has lived through some miraculous periods of time. Some people think the idea and genre of the big band are ”dead”. I totally disagree. In my area of the country there areover 30 big bands that are involved with schools, communities and that play professionally. Let’s talk about how it all affects the music world!
Monday Apr 06, 2020
BigBandology Episode 2 - Good Time & Virtual Big Bands
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
In this episode, I talk about some of the musicians we lost this last week, the interesting and inspiring virtual big band projects that are popping up, and I interview saxophonist Steve Kortyka who participated in the Chad LB Virtual Big Band. We talk about the whole process of being involved, playing in a big band saxophone section and his own Big Band recording project he is working on for this summer.
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
BigBandology Episode 2 (Trailer) - Good Time & Virtual Big Bands
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
In this episode of BigBandology, I talk about the importance of time and timing in music and the world today. I recap the musicians that passed on in the jazz and music world this past week and the look at the virtual big band video projects that are popping up on Youtube.
I also do my first interview with fantastic saxophonist Steve Kortyka, where we talk about being involved in the Chad LB virtual big band project, playing each of the chairs in a big band sax section and his own recording project he is working on. You don't want to miss it!
The episode will be available on Monday at 11am eastern time so make sure to check it out!
Monday Mar 30, 2020
BigBandology Episode 1 - I Love Big Bands
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
BigBandology (The study of Big Bands) - is a brand new podcast discussing this incredibly diverse genre of music. In the first episode, host and band leader Eric Dregne talks about his influences of big band music from his childhood in the 70's, to the music he chooses to play during the weekly Monday Night gig in Cleveland Ohio with his band, The Skatch Anderssen Orchestra.
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
BigBandology Episode 1 (Trailer) - I Love Big Bands
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Host, Bass Trombonist and Band Leader Eric Dregne introduces himself to you and talks about the new BigBandology podcast he has created.
He touches on what will make this different than other big band podcasts, and talks about the relationship between the show and the Skatch Anderssen Orchestra (SAO). The band will provide live performance examples throughout the first season as well as interviews and much more!
Then at 8:00 pm, go to the Skatch Anderssen Orchestra page and tune into the 1/20/20 encore performance from Brother's Lounge in Cleveland. It was Lizz Dregne's birthday bash and we were fortunate to have CMSgt (ret) Tim Leahey of the Airmen of Note as the guest soloist for the night!
Make sure you check out the full premiere episode this Monday March 30th!